The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) is organizing a conference on China’s role in global and regional governance on March 10-11, 2011 in Singapore. The goal is to tap into the expertise and insights of experts from a variety of disciplines to illuminate on various issues concerning China’s involvement and role in global and regional governance. The conference organizers will produce a conference report that will be shared by policy makers and the scholarly community. We also plan to produce a conference-based book volume.
We would like to invite abstracts (approximately 300 words) on the following topics or other topics pertinent to the conference theme:
China’s assessment of current global and regional governance
China’s strategic thinking with regard to global governance
New ideas, new proposals, and new initiatives in China’s approach to global and regional governance
China’s role in traditional global security issues, i.e. arms control and disarmament
China’s approach to international peace-keeping operations
China’s approach to international financial governance
China’s role in world trade regimes
Energy security as a driver in China’s foreign policy
China’s approach to global climate change issues
China’s approach to regional security architecture in East Asia
China and East Asian non-traditional security
China and East Asian financial stability
China and East Asian Free Trade
China and maritime order in East Asia
Please send your abstract or enquiries to Dr. Lee Dongmin (email: The deadline of abstract submission is September 30th, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be sent by October 10, 2010. Conference participants are expected to submit their full papers by February 20th, 2011.
RSIS will provide two-way airfare, local hospitality (including hotel, transportation, and food) for all paper presenters. There will be an honorarium of S$1,000 for each paper contributor.
For more information about RSIS, please visit the school’s website: