I am very honored to serve as the new president of the ACPS – a strong and vivid network of several generations of leading China scholars in the US (and beyond), dedicated to the in-depth theory-guided analysis of Chinese Politics, and to observing and commenting on new developments at the pulse of time. The first ACPS meeting I attended was the annual conference in San Francisco (2012) – and, since then, the intense exchange with ACPS colleagues has deeply inspired and guided my research. Having served as ACPS research director since 2018, I had a chance to learn more about the association and to meet many of you in person at ACPS annual meetings and at the ACPS panels organized for the annual conventions of ISA and APSA. With the academic community (re-)turning to the “new normal” of in person events, I am very confident that we will not only be able to resume our annual meetings but also launch innovative event formats.
The new ACPS Board of Directors will soon meet and start the preparations for the next annual conference. The recent ACPS 2022 conference at SMU (organized by Xi Chen, our interim and new incoming president) sets the bar high. It is indeed an extraordinary honor to be part of this outstanding academic network of ACPS scholars. As all previous ACPS presidents, I am committed to – jointly with all of you – advance the excellence of scholarship in the fields of political science research on China and to uphold the banner of academic freedom and free debate across the various academic communities in the fields of China studies.
Again, thank you for your dedicated support and trust along the way. We hope to
see you soon (again) at our upcoming ACPS 2023 conference!
Very best wishes,
Nele Noesselt
President, Association of Chinese Political Studies