“Global and Domestic Challenges Facing the 5th Generation of China’s National Leadership”
The 27th Annual Meeting and International Symposium
At the University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas on September 22nd and 23rd, 2014
PDF Call for Paper:
ACPS Call for Papers_2014.pdf
“Global and Domestic Challenges Facing the 5th Generation of China’s National Leadership”
The 27th Annual Meeting and International Symposium
At the University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas on September 22nd and 23rd, 2014
The Association of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS) will hold its 27th annual meeting and international symposium, September 22-23, 2014, in Lawrence, Kansas on the campus of University of Kansas (KU). The conference is hosted by the ACPS and co-sponsored by the KU Political Science Department, Center for East Asian Studies and the KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Conference Theme
The Fifth Generation of China’s leadership has a significant influence on China’s domestic and international relations. However, it is unclear what kind of changes in local, national and international policies may occur. Will the new generation shift China’s domestic policies towards sustainable development, environment or political liberation? Will China’s foreign policies towards developed and developing nations as well as foreign investment, and international institutions change? Some scholars and policy makers see more assertive central elite in the domestic and international policy realms delinked from past policies and relationships. Yet others see continuity in China’s domestic and foreign policies given China’s present internal and global circumstances.
We invite papers that examine these topics and analyze China’s contemporary international and domestic policies. In the domestic policy realm, we invite papers that include political, economic, social, educational, and cultural challenges. In the international policy realm, we welcome papers that investigate China’s growing international presence and the policies that China has developed to respond and manage global challenges.
Publication Opportunities
Exemplary conference papers will have the opportunity to be published in any edited volumes flowing from the conference as well as to be considered for publication in the ACPS’s flagship journal, the Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS).
Abstract/Paper Submission Procedures
The deadline for abstract submission is Saturday, March 1, 2014. Current ACPS members will receive priority consideration, though we seek the best papers possible. The Organizers will consider cohesive and theme-related panel proposals consisting of 4-5 presenters, a chair, and a discussant.
Paper and panel proposals can be submitted at acpsus.org@gmail.com. For paper proposals, please submit author (s) full name and contact information, paper title and abstract. The subject line for e-mail paper submissions is “Paper Submission ACPS_KU 2014”. For panel submissions, please provide the panel title and abstract along with the full name/contact information, paper title and abstract for each panel participant. The subject line for e-mail panel submissions is “Panel Submission ACPS_KU 2014”.
Acceptance of Proposals
The Organizers will issue notifications of acceptance, via email, to the primary author listed in the paper proposal. Notifications will be sent out in early April, 2014.
Conference Registration Procedures
Those whose papers have been accepted and plan on attending the conference will have to register for the conference by May 25, 2014 per instructions to be provided. Individuals who have paid their ACPS membership dues and conference registration fees in full will be entitled to three free nights of lodging and complimentary meals throughout the duration of the conference.
We welcome expressions of interest from conference attendees willing to serve as chairs and discussants.