Call for Papers
4th China Goes GlobalConference
October 6 – 8, 2010
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
This century has been dubbed the Chinese Century. But will the naming of this Century be congruent with the country’s performance in the global political economy? As part of a series of conferences on the topic China Goes Global, held at Harvard Kennedy School and Rollins College, we issue a new call for papers on the globalization of China and Chinese companies, focusing on the following broad questions:
1. What are the social, political and economic influences of China’s globalization?
2. How will China’s globalization effect the business environment of firms in developed and emerging countries?
3. Will China really replace the US economic, political and business leadership in the 21st Century?
4. What are the factors associated with China’s emerging global economic prowess?
5. Can Western political/economic models and theories help explain China’s current trajectory, either on a macro or a micro level?
China’s present status in the world economy is already very impressive: The country is the world’s most populous nation, the world’s second largest economy (in GDP PPP) and third largest trader, and the largest recipient of foreign direct investment. China has 170 cities of over 1 million people, 600 million subscribers to wireless phone services, the largest on-line population, and buys over 12% of the world’s luxury goods. In addition, China has almost two trillion dollars in foreign reserves. On the other hand, China fast economic growth is unbalanced and, perhaps, unsustainable. Many Chinese companies are not profitable and near bankruptcy. The environment is in shambles and social pressures both from within and from outside are mounting. In that context, we welcome papers which discuss those topics below.
Some additional topics to be considered:
• Outward Direct Investment (ODI) or Sovereign Wealth Funds of China and Chinese companies
• Chinese global competitiveness and export performance
• Forms of engagement with foreign firms used by internationalizing Chinese firms (e.g. partnerships, acquisitions, OEM, ODM, OBM, etc)
• The impact of Chinese firms on the global political, environmental and business environment
• New models for global enterprise with Chinese context
• Corporate Governance, Ownership and role of State in Globalization of Chinese companies
• Similarities and Differences between SOE and POE firm strategy and performance
• Political transformation, institutional change, and globalization of China
• Product safety, environmental & labor issues related to Globalization of Chinese companies
• China’s policies towards acquisition of natural and strategic resources
• Exchange Rate, foreign currency and the role of China in the global financial markets
• China’s possible roles in a globalized world after the financial crisis
• The impact of new information & communication technologies on the globalization of Chinese companies
· China’s influence on standard setting in different industries and CSR of Chinese companies
· Influence on worldwide mergers and acquisitions, networks and cross-country collaboration
· General marketing strategies of Chinese companies internationalization, market entry modes and brand-building strategies
· Country of origin effect of Chinese brands and China’s country image
· Techno-entrepreneurship, e-commerce, online development of China’s globalization
· Civic, political and economic freedoms roles in sustainable competitiveness of China and Chinese companies
· The globalization of Chinese Educational System and Higher Education, joint programs, accreditations and partnerships
· Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese MNE
· China’s Global Impact after the Financial Crises
Submitted papers will be double blind reviewed for consideration in the conference. Please submit your paper through our online submission system by no later than May 1st, 2010. Papers should follow the author style and referencing guide provided on the conference website. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree to review up to 3 papers. The best papers from the conference will be recognized and considered for publication in a book volume.
Important Dates
• Submission deadline: May 1st, 2010
• Notification of acceptance: June 15th, 2010
• Final registration deadline: August 15th, 2010
• Conference dates: October 6-8th, 2010
Registration Fee
Please note that all presenters and participants must register to attend the conference. The early bird registration fee of USD 495 is due on July 1st, 2010, and the regular registration fee of USD 595 is due on August 15th, 2010. The registration fee includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner and conference material. Conference registration does not include accommodation or travel costs.
Organizational Committee
Dr. Ilan Alon, Cornell Professor of International Business & Director of The China Center at Rollins College, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. Julian Chang, Executive Director, Asia Programs, Ash Institute, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Dr. Marc Fetscherin, Assistant Professor, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Information Management, Educatis University & Potsdam University, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. John R. McIntyre, Professor, Director of Georgia Tech CIBER, Georgia Institute of Technology
For more information, visit the conference website