The Association of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS) will hold an international symposium at King’s College-London, located in one of the world’s great political, financial, and historical centers, London, United Kingdom, from June 17 to June 19, 2011. The conference is hosted by King’s College and co-sponsored by King’s China Institute, the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Foundation, and other contributors.
Conference Theme
This year is the 100th year of the 1911 Revolution and thus an apt time to consider where China is now and where it is headed. Then as now, the Chinese state faces numerous internal and external domestic political, economic, and social problems, which today include corruption, environmental degradation, unemployment, economic inequality, rising bank debts, fissiparous tendencies in Taiwan and Xizang (Tibet), a shaky global economy, external human rights pressures, complaints about its currency, trade, and foreign investment policies, and daunting international issues such as the South China sea dispute, uncertainties on the Korean peninsula, and frictions with Japan over territorial and maritime issues.
We invite papers that not only look not at the “narrow” dimensions of the aforementioned topics, but reflect, among other things, on how they are different from the stresses of 1911, the relative ability of the Chinese state to manage these challenges now versus before, the likelihood that these challenges will spur noteworthy changes internally or regarding China’s external relations, and the likely course of these issues over the next 100 years.
Publication and Award Opportunities
Exemplary conference papers will have the opportunity to be published in any edited volumes flowing from the conference as well as to be considered for publication in the ACPS’s flagship journal, the Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS).
Top notch papers also may be considered for the ACPS Best Paper Award (faculty) and ACPS Best Graduate Student Paper Award.
Proposal Submission Procedures
To ensure full consideration, paper proposals should be sent no later than March 6, 2011.
All the following items should be incorporated into the body of an email addressed to 1) the paper title; 2) the names of all authors and their titles; 3) contact information for the primary author (mailing address, email, phone number, and fax number); 4) an abstract of 150-250 words; and 5), if you are a doctoral candidate, the name and email of your primary advisor/committee chair. Please put “2011 ACPS KC conference proposal” in your email subject line.
At this time, the conference organizers are not accepting panel proposals, but just individual paper proposals.
Acceptance of Proposals
The Paper Proposal Review Committee will issue notifications of acceptance, via email, to the primary author listed in the paper proposal. It is anticipated that this will occur no later than April 3, 2011.
Conference Registration Procedures
Those whose papers have been accepted and plan on attending the conference will have to register for the conference by April 24, 2011 through a link to be added to the ACPS website.
Individuals who paid ACPS membership dues and their conference registration fees in full will be entitled to two free nights of lodging as well as complimentary meals throughout the duration of the conference.
We welcome expressions of interest from conference attendees willing to serve as chairs and discussants.